Repairing TurboChef Ovens and Coffee Machines

FixIt Expresso

FixIt Expresso specializes in the repair of BUNN Coffee machines and TurboChef ovens. With 18 years of experience, we guarantee prompt and efficient fixes, minimizing business downtime. Whether you have a small coffee shop or a large restaurant, we are here to help. Our team of skilled technicians is trained to handle various brands and models, providing reliable repairs that meet your needs.

Expert Turbo Oven Repair Service by FixIt Expresso - Ensuring Reliable Functionality



TurboChef Ovens

Models: NGC, NGO, Sota, Encore, Bullet, I1, I3, I5, PLEXOR, HHC, FIRE, ECO, ECOST, HHB2, HHD, HHS and High h Conveyor


MerryChef Ovens

Model: eikon e4

BUNN Coffee Machine Repair Service - Expert Solutions by FixIt Expresso


BUNN Coffee Machines & Coffee Grinders


Schaerer Espresso machines &  SureShot Dairy Machines

Expert Turbo Oven,MerryChef, Bunn Coffee machine, Espresso machine and Coffee Grinder Repair Service by FixIt Expresso

Explore our diverse range of repair solutions for coffee machines and ovens at FixIt Expresso.

 Our services encompass:

- Thorough diagnosis and efficient troubleshooting of machine issues

- Expert repair of faulty components

- Comprehensive cleaning and maintenance

- Modernizing and upgrading machines for enhanced functionality

No matter the problem, our dedicated team is committed to identifying the best solution and ensuring your machines are back in operation as soon as possible.

Open   Hours








9:00 - 5:00 PM

9:00 - 5:00 PM

9:00 - 5:00 PM

9:00 - 5:00 PM

9:00 - 5:00 PM

9:00 - 5:00 PM

11:00 - 3:00 PM

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